Training Tools
Living Waterways Worksheet
Living Waterways
– In Pictures

Living Waterways

An Introduction to Living Waterways

Living Waterways is a tool used to assist designers to create holistic stormwater and waterway solutions. It links to the State’s Stormwater Quality Design Objectives (SMDOs) and is a valid alternative to ‘business as usual’ Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) installations.

The Living Waterways approach can help teams in government and industry to deliver successful projects by:
• Providing an easy-to-use framework to guide multiple outcomes from the design phase.
• Considering synergistic solutions that deliver a high performing site that respects its physical place in the broader community as well as its role in meeting broader community goals and expectations.
• Ensuring integrated sustainable water management and amenity outcomes are at the forefront of the early design process, preventing costly and untimely design conflicts during planning and construction phases.
• Promoting collaborative thinking when developing design solutions and strategies for site layouts.
• Better understanding the needs of a community and how they view their waterways.
• Promoting the support and establishment of an informed local community that has ownership of Living Waterways principles as a final outcome of the process.

This module establishes the case for making the change to Living Waterways.

Download the presentation below:

View the presentation with your course facilitator explaining the presentation and concepts for this module in more detail:
